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A New Chapter

Writer: Marty WaltMarty Walt

Passing the Torch at Choices Insurance Agency


After nearly 50 years in the industry and realizing I am not getting any younger I am going to pass off the leadership role of Choices Insurance Agency to one of the most qualified, honest, intelligent people I have had the pleasure of working with for the past 20 years.

I was reminiscing about how my journey started. It was my father-in-law that made me think about a career in insurance.

My career began as a Farmer’s captive agent, and then I was asked to become a Farmer’s district manager who hired and trained insurance agents. I loved the job but not the politics. That job became my stepping stone to be able to start Choices Insurance Agency. Realizing giving customers “choices” with multiple companies is how the name came to be. This all started with a prayer (actually, many prayers), lots of determination, and a solid knowledge base of the industry. 

We were able to build something from zero dollars to a group of people who, combined, helped more customers than I ever thought possible. Our motto was to try to do it correctly or not do it at all. The good Lord allowed us to prosper but provided a few stresses to keep us humble. Things like Covid, employees leaving, companies going out of business, and other normal business issues happen. I feel truly blessed to have been able to help so many, and I am still smiling.  I can already see the future will require someone willing to engage in a new model of technology coming soon, and I realize I am not that guy.  Plus, it’s time to spend more time with my wife and family. 

Who is the person I trust so much?

His name is Jordan Walt   (yes, my son).

My wife reminded me the other day how both our boys at a very young age knew what they wanted to do, and they both ended up doing exactly what they wanted to do.

Nothing was handed to either of them, but they both have worked hard to get where they are today. My oldest son became an architect (his dream) and Jordan wanted to work with his dad in insurance.


Jordan was exceptional at math, and we still recall several of his junior high and high school teachers asking him what he wanted to do for a career. Let’s just say that when he told them he wanted to work with his dad in the insurance industry,they were like “what?!” and Teri and I would just smile.  We made him get his college degree just in case his dream wasn’t all he hoped (he did it in 3 years with a full ride).

Can you tell that I am proud of my boys?  It has been my pleasure and honor to be able to work side by side with my son for all these years.

Before I sign off, I leave you all in good hands and a bright future moving this agency forward for our customers. Thank you for allowing me to be of service to you and your families. Now it is time for me to figure out what phase two of my life looks like.

During this season of reflection and gratitude, I want to wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year. Once again, thank you for being part of this journey with me.

Here's to the exciting future of Choices Insurance, with Jordan leading the way.

May the good Lord bless you and your families.

Thank you ❤️


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