Operation Christmas Child. I’m honored and excited to partner with this organization, and we’re doing everything we can.
You see, each box requires $9 in shipping fees. Choices Insurance is going to cover this expense for all boxes we receive. My goal is to grow this to the point that we are sending 1,000 shoeboxes a year – that is, 1,000 children receiving a shoebox for Christmas! We need to mail these mid-November, so let’s get donations underway! Will you consider contributing?
Some questions you may have:
How can you get involved?
Well, you can either drop off gift items at our toy collection bin (located in our Oregon City office), or you can pack your own shoebox with your family, and drop it by our office anytime. We will ship the boxes out during National Collection Week, which is November 14-21. We have ordered 250 shoeboxes to fill this year! Will you consider helping us? Thank you, in advance for partnering with us!
All shoeboxes are located at our Oregon City office – 617 High Street, Oregon City, OR 97045